How we’ve analyzed our homepage without spending a single dollar (Case study)

4 min readJan 21, 2016


I am not talking about those conventional analytical methods that many people use, I am talking about real magic happening here. Let me show you how Capturly has changed our life.

Have you heard about Tep? It’s an adorable fitness tracking app working like a tamagotchi. We also use Capturly for the optimization of our website.

First, you’d say that the structure of the website is quite obvious, but if you take a closer look at it with me, there are some interesting stuff hidden in there awaiting to be discovered.

Scroll heatmap

First of all, let’s layer the home page with a heatmap, so that we can reveal fascinating things.

You can see that there are two sets of CTAs placed on the page (both at the top and at the bottom), but a bigger ratio of the visitors doesn’t get to the ones placed at the bottom.

By the time the users reach the middle section, they already know the most important pieces of information about the app.

Because of this observation (seen on the heatmap), it is extremely important to place the most crucial content above the fold, so even those users who usually easily get bored and never get to see the bottom, can see that content. This, in fact increases your conversion rate in the long run.

Different types of websites, pages and users mean different sort of solutions and optimizations, so you should analyse yours too.

Segment heatmap

Segment heatmap is the perfect tool if you want to examine your users’ clicks to see what’s really going on.

It can reveal many things, but in Tep’s case there were 2 major perceptions in connection with the home page.

Clickable contents

These are the parts which are supposed to be clicked, and people click on them.

The CTA buttons (especially the Play Store button) and the Video button are the most popular ones, many users click on them: according to the analysis they are perfectly placed on the website.

Under the video, you can see the team members one by one. However not every single one gets to the point to look at them and click to see their profiles, it is still a fairly popular section of the page.

Non-clickable contents

It is fascinating to see that there are parts on the website which are clicked, however they are not supposed to be clicked.

(Nobody would ever see these without a segment heatmap.)

Let’s look at the top of the page. Do you see that cute animated giraffe? It does nothing at all. It’s just a simple animation without any special action, however many people expect something from that lovely animal.

The 3 main badges telling the story of the app are also very trendy, just like the calorie-counter.

The takeaway is that sometimes people expect sections to be interactive, however they might not be. The segment heatmap is perfect to uncover those parts, because once you know that people like it, you can alter those parts according to their needs.

Session replay

I wanted to show you the most awesome feature last.

Have you ever wished if you could see your visitors using your website, so that you would have known what was causing them trouble or misunderstanding?

Even watching one recording can make a huge difference, so imagine if you could see all of them!

From the pace of the scrolling it becomes quite clear that the structure is easily understandable even for a new visitor.
This particular visitor also clicked on non-clickable contents, like the badge and the calorie-counter, we can say that this really seems to be a thing among the users.

These recordings speak for themselves. For us, it’s always fascinating to see how users with different characteristics behave distinctly.

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